At Enereau, we are committed to lowering the cost and complexity of advanced onsite treatment, and to eliminating the barriers to water reuse. In 2019, our nrPUR Membrane BioReactor (MBR) was selected as part of the reconstruction of a luxury resort and housing complex in the Virgin Islands that had been devastated by Hurricane Irma. Designed, manufactured, and delivered to site in less than four months. A compact, pre-engineered, modular system, constructed in FRP & SS materials to withstand the rugged coastal environments, the nrPUR MBR was installed by the local maintenance staff, with Enereau supervision and installation support, in less than one week. Now, 3 years later, as confirmed from a recent site visit and an independent quality analysis, the system continues to produce high quality reuse water for any range of onsite applications at the resort. In 2019, when we proposed a state-of-the-art MBR for less than the cost of a conventional system, the question was “What’s the catch?”, now the question is “What are you waiting for?”. #waterreuse #waterrecycling #greenbuilding #membranebioreactor #mbr #wastewater #decentralizedwastewater #greywater #madeincanada #madeinontario #enereau
