Developed with support from InnovateNiagara & Fed Dev Ontario, our new nrPUR Black & Grey Water recycling system will soon be on its way to a craft brewery in the US Mid-west. Based around Enereau’s proven nrPUR Membrane BioReactor (MBR) technology, our new micro-MBR platform is designed for wastewater flows from as low as 500 USgpd (2,000 L/d) up to 3,000 USgpd (12,000 L/d) in an extremely easy-to-operate & maintain, affordable configuration. Designed to reduce influent BOD by as much as 98.5% and suspended solids to often non-detectable levels, Enereau’s nrPUR systems are the solution for land development and light industrial applications where reliable reuse-quality treated wastewater is desired. For your small to mid-size wastewater treatment & water reuse applications from residential developments, hotels & office buildings to craft breweries & wineries, please contact us at
#brewerywastewater #mbr #membranebioreactor #membranefiltration #membranes #sustainablesolutions #wastewater #wastewatertreatment #waterreuse #madeincanada #ontariomade #enereau
Thank you to @Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario and @innovateniagara for supporting innovative Ontario businesses like ours through the i.d.e.a. Fund!
